Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that India has not only achieved its target against climate change as per the Paris Agreement 2015 but has also gone beyond it. Speaking at the Climate Ambition Summit 2020, co-hosted by the United Nations, the United Kingdom and France, the Prime Minister asserted that review of achievements should be done against the set targets in order to inspire the youths and forthcoming generations. Mr. Modi said, India has increased it’s solar capacity from 2.63 Gigawatt in 2014 to around 36 Gigawatt in 2020.

Referring to the two remarkable initiatives of International Solar Alliance and Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, the Prime Minister said that the centennial India in 2047 will not only meet it’s own targets but will also exceed the expectations. He said that India has exceeded in expanding it’s forest cover and also safeguarding it’s biodiversity. The Prime Minister said that India has the fourth largest renewable energy capacity in the world and by 2030 the country has a target of producing 450 Gigawatts of renewable energy.

The virtual summit witnessed world leaders coming together to make new commitments to tackle climate change and deliver on the Paris Agreement. The Climate Ambition Summit 2020 marks the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement which was adopted on 12th December 2015.