The 9th round of India Bangladesh Friendship dialogue concluded in Cox’s Bazar on Saturday with a call to build a strategic space between the two countries based on learning and experience of the past and expectations and aspirations for the future.

It also appealed for greater collaboration between North-Eastern states of India and Bangladesh to enhance bilateral trade.

Speaking at the concluding function Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dr A.K.Abdul Momen sought Indian cooperation to resolve the Rohingya crisis.

Delivering the keynote address on the first day of dialogue on Friday, BJP National General Secretary Ram Madhav said that India believed in the dictum of together we grow. He said that HIRA-Highways, i-ways, Railways and Airways – is another mutually beneficial relationship that both the countries are taking forwards. On the Rohingya issue, Ram Madhav said that India stands by Bangladesh in its efforts to tackle this challenge both on the humanitarian front as well as the diplomatic front.

Inaugurating the conference on Friday Speaker of Bangladesh Parliament Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury called for increasing the duty-free export of Bangladeshi products to India to correct the trade imbalance between the two countries.

Speaking as the special guest on Friday, India’s High Commissioner to Bangladesh Riva Ganguly Das said that the relationship between the two countries has improved in various sectors and India is willing to work together with Bangladesh for regional development.

The event was jointly organised jointly by India Foundation and Bangladesh Foundation for Regional Studies.