The MoU aims to strengthen the existing cooperation in the field of educational institutions in both countries, by facilitating student and faculty mobility, joint research programmes, designing courses, organising and participation in conferences, lectures, symposia, courses, scientific and educational exhibitions in areas of mutual interest held in both countries.

AMN / Abu Dhabi,

India’s Education and Skill Development Minister Dharmendra Pradhan and UAE Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmad Al Falasi, today, signed a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aims to fortify existing educational cooperation between the two countries.

The primary objective of this MoU is to facilitate student and faculty mobility, thus enhancing collaboration in the Education sector.

During their discussions, Mr. Pradhan stressed the importance of uniting India’s status as a global talent hotspot with the UAE’s position as a global economic hotspot. He advocated for the establishment of a knowledge bridge that would further strengthen the civilisational connection between the two nations.

The Ministers took stock of their bilateral engagements in education and skill development, particularly focusing on the progress achieved following their previous meeting on the sidelines of the 4th Education Working Group (EdWG) as part of the G20 framework. They expressed satisfaction with the strides made in areas such as mutual recognition of academic and skill qualifications and the acknowledgement of Indian educational institutions in the UAE. Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan also thanked Dr. Ahmed Belhoul for the support extended to schools in the UAE that follow the Indian curriculum. The Ministers also discussed ways to facilitate student exchange programmes between India and the UAE.

The MoU signed during the meeting represents a pivotal step in strengthening educational cooperation between India and the UAE. Furthermore, the MoU aims to promote the exchange of critical information in various domains.

The MoU also paves the way for cooperation in the field of Capacity Development within Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) teaching staff. To ensure the seamless implementation of this transformative agreement, the MoU will lead to the creation of a Joint Working Group (JWG) chaired alternately by a representative from the Ministry of Education in India and the UAE.
This significant development signifies the commitment of both India and the UAE to foster a thriving collaborative spirit, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and resources to elevate educational standards and opportunities for their respective citizens.