Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has made a controversial remarks encouraging violence. Speaking at a farmers’ event in the state CM called upon 1000 volunteers from different regions to pick up sticks and fight “furious farmers”.

Opposition alleged that he was asking the supporters of the saffron party to attack the farmers protesting against three agriculture laws of the Centre.

“Form groups of 500, 700, 1,000 people and make them volunteers. And then at every place, ‘sathe sathyam samacharet’. What does it mean—it means tit for tat,” he was heard in a purported video.

“Do not worry…when you remain there (in jail) for a month, three months or six months, you will become big leaders. Your names will be etched in history,” Khattar added.

Reacting to Khattar’s controversial remarks, the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), the umbrella body of over 40 farmer unions that is spearheading the farm agitation, demanded his resignation as the Haryana CM and asked him to issue an apology.

In a purported video of the entire incident, Manohar Lal Khattar can be seen saying that 1000 people with sticks should “treat” farmers, who have been protesting the Centre’s three agri laws that were passed in 2020. “Pick up sticks and answer those furious farmers. We will see everything,” he said.

“This call to spread anarchy at an open programme after taking oath of the Constitution is treason. Seems you also have the nod of Modi-Naddaji in this,” Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala tweeted in Hindi.
“If the chief minister of the state talks about spreading violence, breaking the society and destroying law and order, then the rule of law and the Constitution cannot run in the state.

“Today, the BJP’s anti-farmer conspiracy got busted. The time has come for showing the door to such an anarchic government,” he said.