Gujarat Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama said that opposition is not considering the interest of majority students. He was talking to media persons after the review of all preparations for conducting the examinations of JEE- NEET in Gujarat.
Elaborate arrangements have been made for smooth conduct of JEE-NEET examinations due to Covid-19 pandemic.
The Joint Entrance Examination -Mains for admission to engineering and pharmacy courses is expected to see the participation of around 38 thousand students this year compared to more than 44 thousand students last year. The lower turnout is likely due to the Covid-19 situation.
The National Testing Agency will conduct the test at 32 centers in 13 districts in the state from 1st to 6th September. There are three centers in Ahmedabad and one center in Gandhinagar. All necessary precautions have been taken in view of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The NEET exam will be held on 13th September at 214 centers in 10 districts. About 80,290 candidates are expected to appear in NEET exams this year. All exam centers have been sanitized. Concerned district collectors have been asked to follow the standard operating procedures laid down by the Centre for conducting these exams.