Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the Government is committed to provide free of cost Covid-19 vaccine to everyone. He said, vaccination coverage will be expanded from the upcoming 21st June and the same facility will be provided to the people aged above 18 years which have been provided to people aged above 45 years so far.

Talking about the changing nature of the corona virus and the country’s resilience to deal with this infectious disease, Mr. Modi has said, Covid-19 pandemic has helped in developing a robust medical infrastructure in the country.

He said, this pandemic has helped the government, science, society, institutions and individuals to expand their capabilities. He stressed on creating medical infrastructure in the country to deal with the growing challenge of mutant corona virus. He said, efforts are still going on in the country to create a huge network of medical infrastructure and provide medical equipments to the remotest areas.

He said, new AIIMS, medical colleges and Nursing Colleges have been set up in the last few years. He said, millions of youths are required to expand the medical infrastructure in the country.