farmerUnion Cabinet today approved re-promulgation of Land Acquisition ordinance. Sources said a decision in this regard was taken at the Cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi today. The ordinance is about to expire on 3rd of next month.

Land bill is currently with the Joint Committee of Parliament for detail discussion on the provisions of the controversial legislation. The Committee had its first meeting yesterday. Opposition parties including Congress and Left as well as some NDA allies are against the bill.

Land bill is currently with the Joint Committee of Parliament for detail discussion on the provisions of the controversial legislation. The Committee had its first meeting yesterday. Opposition parties including Congress and Left as well as some NDA allies are against the bill.

Opposition parties have criticized the Narendra Modi government for promulgation of Land Ordinance for the third time. Congress today said it is a breach of faith and injustice with farmers of the country and demanded that the Ordinance should be withdrawn immediately. Party spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said duplicity of the Prime Minister has been exposed as he had said only yesterday that his government is open to reviewing the land ordinance. Condemning the move, Mr Surjewala said it is an affront to Parliament which refused to put it’s stamp of approval on the Land Bill.

CPI(M) leader Nilotpal Basu said NDA government has again dismantled Parliamentary democracy by bringing the Ordinance. He alleged that government is working in the favour of corporates and it has neglected the poor and farmers. He said his party will continue to oppose the Land Bill.

JDU(U) leader K C Tyagi said the re-promulgation of Ordinance shows the obstinacy of the NDA government to bring the Land Bill in the same form despite strong objection by the Opposition. He alleged that NDA government has no faith in democratic institutions and his party will not allow the Bill to pass.