The first batch of the delegates of Kashi Tamil Sangamam visited Ram temple in Ayodhya on Tuesday. On Monday, they have visited Sangam area and other important places in Prayagraj City. Many cultural programs are being organised regularly at the main venue in BHU Varanasi. Meanwhile, another batch of the delegates have already reached on his tour under the Kashi Tamil Sangama program.
It was the spirit of cultural amalgamation at the under-construction Ram temple in Ayodhya. Young delegates from different parts of Tamilnadu visited the Ram Mandir temple in Ayodhya and hanumangadi and performed pooja. They also took part in the bhajan kirtan going on at the Ram temple and tested the prasadam. They termed it a mesmerizing experience.
Later the delegates also visited other temples and spent some time on the bank of Saryu river and at Ram ki paidi.