Fire and Fury Corps is organizing a series of events to commemorate victory in the 1971 War. The Swarnim Vijay Varsh celebrations will continue till 30th of this month. Retired Colonel Sonam Wanghchuk gave away prizes to the winners of Inter-School Drawing Competition at Army Public School in Leh today.

Speaking on the occasion, he appealed to the students to align their talents with passion and follow with sincerity. Ladakh Scouts Regiment Centre Commander Colonel Rinchen Dorjey, Phunsok Stobdan and Col. Chewang Rinchen’s daughter Dr. Phunsok Angmo, students and NCC cadets from different schools also present on the occasion.

Similarly, a cultural event was organized yesterday portraying the courage, valour and sacrifices of the Indian Army in the 1971 War against Pakistan, that led to India’s greatest Military Victory and creation of a new nation Bangladesh.

A Light and Sound Show was also organized by the Fire and Fury Corps at the iconic Hall of Fame in Leh.