Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh’s final journey will commence from Congress headquarters in New Delhi to the cremation ground at 9.30 AM tomorrow. In a social media post, Congress General Secretary K C Venugopal said, the mortal remains of the former Prime Minister will be at his residence in the national capital today for the public to offer their condolences. He added that tomorrow morning his mortal remains will be taken to the Congress office and the public and party workers will have the opportunity to offer their tributes.
Union Cabinet pays homage to Dr Manmohan Singh, observes 2-minute silence
Union Cabinet today expressed condolences over the demise of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh saying that in his passing away, the Nation has lost an eminent statesman, renowned economist and distinguished leader. It also passed a Condolence Resolution in the memory of Dr. Manmohan Singh and paid homage by observing a two-minute silence. The resolution said that Dr Manmohan Singh has left his imprint on national life. It added that Dr. Manmohan Singh served as India’s Finance Minister between 1991 to 1996 and his role in ushering in a comprehensive policy of economic reforms is well recognized. The resolution also highlighted his academic as well as career in Government and public life.
Dr. Manmohan Singh will be accorded a State Funeral. On the day of the State Funeral, a half-day holiday will be declared in all the Central Government offices and CPSUs.