Akshay Kumar has shared a video clip in which he opened up about the death of Sushant Singh Rajput, drug investigation, tarnishing of the name of the industry and his expectations from media.
The actor says, “I am talking to you today with a heavy heart. I had a lot of things in my heart to say in the last couple of weeks. There was so much negativity that I didn’t understand what to say, who to speak with. See, we are called stars but you made Bollywood with your love. We are not just an industry but through films, we have spread our culture and values of our country to every corner of the world.”
I am requesting you all not to see the entire industry in the same light and tarnish its name. —Akshay Kumar
Akshay says, “After the sudden death of Sushant Singh Rajput, many such issues have come to the fore. It has also pained us the same way as it has pained all of you. And those issues have made us reflect on ourselves… Like the talk about drugs… it does exist. But, it is not possible that everyone is involved in it. It is a legal matter and I have all the faith in the law enforcement authorities that whatever they are investigating, they will come out with the truth.”