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New Delhi

Delhi Minorities Commission (DMC) condemned CRPF’s attempt on Tuesday to take over Lal Masjid and adjacent graves in CGO Complex area. The matter is sub-judice in Delhi High Court and even if the verdict goes in the favour of CRPF, it will have no right to demolish the mosque and the adjacent graves which are on a gazetted waqf land.

DMC Chairman Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan visited the mosque on Wednesday to understand the position. He assured the Imam and moazzin of the mosque that DMC stands with them and they should contact it if there is any further trouble.

Dr. Khan said in a press statement that the Tuesday attempt to forcibly occupy the mosque and adjacent graves is a violation of CRPF’s own written undertakings given to DMC saying that it will safeguard the mosque and the graves. CRPF had sent three replies during 2017-18 in response to notices of DMC saying that the mosque and the graves are safe and that it has no intention to harm them. DMC has sent replies of CRPF and their attached papers to the Delhi Waqf Board which is legally looking after the mosque and the graves. DMC has assured DWB of any possible help from its side should need arise.(Press Release)

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