Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said, most patients in the National Capital have mild coronavirus and affirmed that the city is fully prepared to tackle the pandemic. In his virtual media briefing today, he said, only 6 thousand beds are occupied out of 13 thousand 500 COVID beds in Delhi’s hospitals.
Mr. Kejriwal attributed the increase in the number of cases to the increased number of COVID testing in the city , which he said has been tripled recently to 18 thousand tests daily. He asserted that Plasma Therapy is helping cure moderate cases by not letting patients’ condition worsen.
Mr. Kejriwal informed that Oximeter is being provided to mild patients at their home to keep tab of the oxygen saturation level, which he informed is a critical indicator of seriousness of the disease.
He also informed that ,number of deaths in LNJP Hospital have reduced to less than half because of Plasma Therapy. Delhi Chief Minister said ,out of the City’s total 74 thousand COVID-19 cases, 45 thousand people have already recovered.