AMN / Darjeeling/

darjeelingThe Darjeeling hills once again on boil today as dozen of combat policemen and pro-Gorkhaland activists were injured in fresh bloody clashes near Indo-Bhutan border at Jaigaon when a Khukri-wielding rally was stopped by the security forces while the indefinite shutdown in Darjeeling entered the 47th day with no sign of any move to end the deadlock.

According to reports fresh bloody clashes of the day happened a day after over eight hours of sporadic pitched battle between the security forces and pro-Gorkhaland supporters on Saturday at Shukna near here which left over 30 injured, including six cops.

ACP, Siliguri Pranob Sikdhar also sustained injuries in yesterday’s violence.

The clashes began around 1200 hours which ended at around 2 PM with the deployment of reinforcement, headed by senior IPS officer Siddhinath Gupta, now in-charge of Darjeeling. Police had arrested six Morcha supporters from Sukna for arson.