The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has announced that the Northeast Monsoon has begun. In its weather report, the IMD said rainfall is expected over Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The agency said the Northeast Monsoon began after the robust northeasterly winds strengthened over the South and Central Bay of Bengal.
Meanwhile, cyclonic storm Tej has intensified into a Severe Cyclonic Storm over the southwest Arabian Sea. IMD said it is very likely to intensify further into a very severe cyclonic storm during the next 24 hours with wind speeds up to 135 kilometers per hour. It said the cyclone is likely to cross the Yemen-Oman coasts around the of 25th October.
At the same time, in the Bay of Bengal, a Low-Pressure Area has formed over southwest and adjoining areas, which will intensify into a depression over the west-central Bay of Bengal around 22nd October. Coastal Districts of Odisha and West Bengal are likely to receive moderate rainfall at a few places, on the 24th and 25th of October.