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August 24th, 2020

Congress Working Committee [‘CWC’] takes note of the letter  of  Congress President, Smt. Sonia Gandhi addressed to General Secretary  (Organisation)  as  also a letter written earlier by certain Congress leaders to the Congress President. The CWC has extensively deliberated on the letters and, after detailed discussion, places on record the following:


The  last  six  months  have   seen   the  nation  in  the  throes  of  multiple  crises.     We have been beset by (i) the Corona pandemic that continues to claim thousands   of lives, (ii) downward-spiraling economy, (iii) massive job losses and growing poverty, and (iv) brazen aggression into and occupation of Indian territory by the Chinese. Second, the two voices that have been at the forefront of exposing the Government’s inadequate responses, divisive politics and audacious propaganda  are  of  Smt.  Sonia Gandhi and Shri. Rahul Gandhi. Smt. Sonia Gandhi’s hard questions on the handling of the migrants’ crisis put this Government to shame. She ensured that Congress-ruled states tackled the pandemic effectively and provided access to healthcare and treatment to  all  sections  of  the  people.  Her  leadership  has rankled  and  embarrassed  those  occupying  the  highest  offices in  this Government. Shri. Rahul Gandhi has resolutely led the fight  against  the  government from the front. The CWC, reflecting the overwhelming view and desire  of the rank and file of the Congress, unanimously resolved to strengthen the hands of Smt. Sonia Gandhi and Shri. Rahul Gandhi in  every possible way. The  CWC makes it clear that no one will be or can be permitted  to  undermine  or  weaken  the  party  and  its  leadership  at  this  juncture.  The  responsibility   of every Congress worker and leader today is to fight the pernicious assault on India’s democracy, pluralism and diversity by the Modi Government.


and most importantly, the  voices  of  our  two  leaders  have  inspired  a  generation of Indians,  both  within  and  outside  of  the  Indian  National  Congress,  to  rise  and demand answers from this Government which seeks to desperately distract the people through shallow and  manufactured  issues.  It  is  under  their  leadership  that crores of Congress workers  and  supporters  have  reached  out  to  fill  the  large, callous gaps in governance left by this Government as a result of which millions belonging to the poor and middle classes have been unjustly deprived of their rights and their livelihoods. Fourthly, the CWC notes that inner-party issues can not be deliberated through the media  or in public fora. The CWC urges and advises all concerned to raise such issues only in party fora in the interest of propriety and discipline.


The CWC authorises the Congress President to affect necessary organisational changes that she may deem appropriate to take on the challenges listed above.

Press Release

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