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The total Covid-19 infection has crossed the six lakh mark today in Tamil Nadu. 5688 people were tested positive while 5516 patients recovered. Meanwhile, the Chennai Corporation has halted bookings of marriage halls in the city for possible use during the impending North East Monsoon to accommodate the affected people.

It is customary for the city civic body in Chennai to use community halls during floods for accommodating the affected people and to prepare food for them.

Only a limited number of halls were being used so far, leaving others to continue with doing bookings from the public for various events. However, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the social distancing norms have come into play now.

The maximum ceiling in accommodating people is fixed at 50 in any single hall at any given time. The new norms have necessitated taking over all the halls in the city for flood relief activities to avoid any possible space crunch.

As an exemption, the Corporation has said in a release that the booking of the halls will be allowed exceptionally for a limited duration when the weather forecast hints at getting no rain.

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