RSCongress today stalled proceedings in the Rajya Sabha demanding the resignation of Roads and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari. The House witnessed nine adjournments before finally adjourning for the day at 4 pm. Opposition Congress continued to insist on the minister’s resignation, following CAG’s adverse observations against a loan taken by a company owned by the Gadkari family.

The Minister denied Opposition allegations. In a statement in the House, Mr Gadkari said the CAG report has no where named him as a wrong doer nor has it commented adversely against him. He clarified that there is neither any indictment nor any charge of corruption or misappropriation against him or the company in question. The Minister said the loan was disbursed by Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) and a one-time settlement process was concluded in 2008-09 as per norms during UPA regime.

He also said at that time, he was neither an MP nor held any public office. Mr Gadkari also said it is for the IREDA to answer all the queries raised by CAG.

Repeated efforts by the Chair to bring the House in order failed as Congress members trooped into the well, raising slogans. When the House reassembled for the last time, the situation was no different. Leader of the House Arun Jaitley tried to make a statement, but in vain. Deputy Chairman P J Kurien adjourned the House for the day.