AMN /New Delhi/Beijing

India_China_falgsA day after both India and China announced that they were pulling back their troops from Doklam, ending over two month long-face off, China Tuesday indicated it may not abandon its ‘’construction plan’’ in the territory.

The stand off in Doklam, the Bhutanese territory disputed with China, had started when the Indian troops had to intervene to stop the Chinese troops from construction of a road which would have compromised India’s security by increasing Chinese proximity to the chicken neck, the narrow strip of land that links the north eastern states with the rest of India. Yesterday’s announcements on Doklam by both sides did not say anything as to whether the construction of road had been stopped but it was clear from Tuesday’s briefing by Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying that construction work had been stopped but at the same time it also came out that Beijing was non-committal on abandoning work on the road. ‘’We will take into account all factors, including the weather conditions, and according to situation on the ground complete construction plans,’’ she said replying to a question at the regular media briefing. She said Chinese Army personnel continued their presence and patrolling in the area ‘’to meet the needs of defending our borders and improving living conditions.’’