Our Corespondent / New Delhi

The Centre has sought an update from state governments on the activities of SIMI, so that a final call could be taken on the continuation of the ban imposed on the radical student’s group.

In a communication to all states, the Home Ministry said, the ban on SIMI (the Students Islamic Movement of India) under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act comes to an end on 31st January next year, but if the central government finds that the group continues to indulge in unlawful activities, then the prohibition may be imposed afresh.

The Ministry said, it is essential to watch the activities of the group and if its membership continues then a case of unlawful activity under the law is made out. Described as a terrorist organisation, SIMI was first declared an outlawed outfit in 2001.

The group is responsible for a number of blasts in the country, including the alleged planting of multiple bombs inside suburban trains in Mumbai in 2006 which claimed 187 lives and injured over 700 people.