The CBI has filed its charge sheet against three accused in Bulandshahr rape case in which a woman and her teenaged daughter were alleged raped by a gang of over six persons while they were on their way to attend a family function in Shahjahanpur. The agency has filed chargesheet against three gang members–Saleem alias Beena alias Diawan, Zuber alias Sunil alias Parvez and Sajid for IPC sections related to dacoity, abduction and gang rape.
They have also been chargesheeted for child rape under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) 2012. All the three are under judicial custody. CBI sources said, probe against remaining three is still going on and supplementary charge sheet will be filed against them. The chargesheet has been filed in the fast track court in Bulandshahr.
A 13-year-old girl and her mother were dragged out of their car and raped by a group of assailants in a field while the victims along with their family were travelling from Noida to Shahjahanpur on the intervening night of July 29-30. The case was transferred to CBI on the instructions of the Allahabad High Court. The agency had registered a case on August 18 and sent a team of forensic experts and a DIG-ranked officer to the crime scene.