Theresa MayBritish Prime Minister, Theresa May has urged the United States to re-certify the nuclear agreement with Iran. In a statement, Prime Minister Ms. May’s office said in a phone call with US President Donald Trump yesterday, Prime Minister emphasised the importance of the agreement being carefully monitored and properly enforced.

The statement said the Prime Minister reaffirmed Britain’s strong commitment alongside its European partners because it is vitally important for regional security. Last week, a senior U.S. administration official said that President Trump who has criticised the agreement as an embarrassment is expected to decertify Iran’s compliance ahead of an October 15 timelimit.

However, China, Russia and the European states have already expressed their continued support for the agreement. Meanwhile, speaking before his meeting with Iranian Vice President Dr. Ali Akhbar Salehi in London, Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said the nuclear agreement was a crucial agreement that neutralised Iran’s nuclear threat.