The Bhartiya Janta Party Thursday released its vision document for the upcoming assembly elections. Releasing the party’s vision document in Patna senior party leader Arun Jaitely termed the Congress- JD(U)- RJD alliance as an opportunist one that lacks political consistency. He said all three parties had failed the people of Bihar and the party’s vision document is mainly a charter of development for Bihar.
Elaborating the document Mr. Jaitley said state has great potential in agriculture and human resource sector and BJP will bring separate budget for Agriculture and will create employment opportunities for its vast human resource if voted to power. On this occasion other senior party leaders were also present.
Attacking on BJPs vision document JD(U) led grand alliance today criticized severally its document and said that nothing is new in the document.
Addressing a joint press conference in Patna JD-U leader Pawan Kumar Verma said that the Bihar JD-U government has been working vigorously on the subjects which BJP mentioned in this vision document released today.
Congress leader Randeep Surjewala alleged that NDA alliance as opportunist alliance. The RJD spokesperson Manoj Jha criticized BJP’s document and said that the party has only presented it’s elitist approach of development.