Gujarat Chief Minister Anandiben Patel has said that BJP will have to analyze the reasons for its poor performance in the local body polls in the rural areas of the state. Addressing the party workers at BJP Karyalay in Ahmedabad after the poll results, Mrs. Patel said that party has done well in municipal corporations and municipalities but, it is also a fact that the results in district and taluka panchayats are not up to the expectations.

She said that though there is all round developments in the state, we have to analyze on what went wrong and address these problems. She congratulated party workers and expressed thanks to the voters for thumping majority in all six municipal corporations and most of the municipalities.

Meanwhile, State Congress President Bharatsinh solanki claimed that voters have rejected BJP’s development plank in local civic body poll of Gujarat. He said that Congress won most of the district and taluka Panchayats and also increased its seats tally in Municipal corporations and Municipalities.