Several major cities of Bangladesh experienced black out after a breakdown  in the national power grid of the country around 2 pm local time. Power outages were reported from the central and south eastern regions of the country including capital city Dhaka, Mymensingh, Cumilla, Sylhet and Chattogram which continued for several hours. Power supply was partially restored in the capital city around 6 in the evening, though many of the areas continue to remain without electricity. 

The official news agency BSS reported that power supply was restored in Tangail, Kishoreganj, Mymensingh, Jamalpur and Manikganj districts. Power supply was partially restored in Dhaka, Narayanganj, Gazipur, Chattogram, Sylhet and Siddhirganj around 6 in the evening.

People in Dhaka were seen rushing with canisters to purchase diesel for the generators as power failure continued for many hours in the city. The telecom and internet network also experienced patchy service under the impact of grid failure and power cut.

There were reports about patients admitted to hospitals in Dhaka, Chattogram and other places suffering due to the prolonged power cut.
Earlier, in 2014 power outage took place in the country due to national grid failure.