At Least 24 Injured in Finland Footbridge Collapse, local police said — It said that most of them school children — were injured when a temporary footbridge collapsed Thursday in suburban Helsinki.
In a statement, police in the city of Espoo, just west of the capital, Helsinki, said the bridge collapsed at about 9:30 a.m. local time in the city’s Tapiola district.
A statement from the city of Espoo said students from Kalasataman primary school in Helsinki were on the bridge at the time of the collapse and fell several meters to the ground. The statement said the injured were taken to three local hospitals for treatment.
Published reports said most of the injuries were broken limbs and none of them were life-threatening.
On her Twitter account Thursday, Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin commented on the accident, writing, “Shocking news from Espoo. Strength to those injured in the accident and their loved ones. You are in thought.”
The newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, citing Helsinki’s local first-responder service, reported about 45 people were on the bridge at the time of the collapse. The bridge was reportedly one of two that had been built to cross a nearby construction site.