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कानपुर चिड़ियाघर में आरिफ को देख चहक उठा सारस, ऐसे किया स्‍वागत, देखें Video


The story of friendship between Arif and Saras (Stork) is doing round around the world. they have been separated last month by government official and stork was kept in Kanpur zoo. Meanwhile, once again both have met today. Seeing Arif Sars jumped in joy as if it wanted to meet him for long time. It started chirping and flapping its wings.

Muhammad Arif, a resident of Amethi district in Uttar Pradesh and his bird friend Stork’s videos made a splash in social media across the world. And his videos were watched by millions of people on news channels and social media platforms.

Many news channels made many news stories on this strange friendship of Arif and Saras. Millions of people watched their videos on Instagram and Facebook accounts of Muhammad Arif. Everyone who saw these videos appreciated the surprise. What was expressed?

Arif told the media that a year ago, he found the stork in his field in an injured state with one leg broken. brought him to his home and treated him, took care of him till his wounds were healed. After which Muhammad Arif and his family members said that after he got well, the stork did not fly back as he had expected. He believed and from that time he started living with them in their house.

However, this happiness did not come true for Muhammad Arif and Saras when on March 21 Forest department officials reached his house and got the stork from him saying that stork is not a pet bird. Thus it is not good to live among humans, it should be kept in natural environment.

Arif has become lonely since Saras was taken away and has been pleading with the government through his videos to give back his Saras, whom he has raised like his own child. Arif also said that Sars cannot live without him. But their pleas were ignored. Remember that the stork is the state bird of the state of Uttar Pradesh, which is one of the highest flying birds.

Later a complaint was filed against Mohammad Arif by the Forest Department officials of Goriganj, Amethi regarding wild animals and birds. 1972 A notice has been issued to them registering a case under five different sections of the Act and they have been directed to inquire. April 2 Submitted by CFO Ranveeramshra 14 /2022-2023Protection against wild animals under the provisions of the Act 2، 9، 29 ، 51 And 52 A case has been registered on allegations of violation ofApril 2 It is difficult to say what will happen after Mohammad Arif will be questioned by the forest department officials.!!

Arif has confirmed on his Instagram account that a case has been registered against him by the Forest Department and he has been summoned for questioning.

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