

Arab countries including Qatar, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman Kuwait, Egypt and Morocco on Thursday issued a joint statement after Saturday’s Cairo Summit for Peace.

The statement said that following the Cairo Summit for Peace, which was held on Oct. 21, and on the backdrop of the ongoing escalation that commenced on October 7, 2023, in both Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in Gaza, the Foreign Ministers of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Qatar, the State of Kuwait, the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the kingdom of Morocco issues a s statement on October 23 stating the following:

– Condemning and rejecting the targeting of civilians, all acts of violence and terrorism against them, and any violations or transgressions of international law, including international humanitarian law, by any party. This condemnation extends to the targeting of civilian

– The statement denounced forced individual or collective displacement and policies of collective punishment.

– It strongly opposed any attempts to settle the Palestinian issue at the expense of the Palestinian people and the peoples of the region. The forced displacement of the Palestinian people is deemed a grave violation of international humanitarian law and a war crime.

– The signatories underscored the need to fully commit to ensuring the complete respect for the Geneva Conventions of 1949, particularly concerning the responsibilities of the occupying force.

They also stressed the importance of the immediate release of hostages and civilian detainees, ensuring safe, dignified, and humane treatment for them in accordance with the international law.

The role of the International Committee of the Red Cross in this regard is highlighted.

– The statement emphasized that the right to self-defense, as outlined in the UN Charter, does not justify flagrant violations of international law and humanitarian law, or the deliberate neglect of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including the right to self-determination and an end to the decades-long occupation.

– The signatories called on the UN Security Council to compel parties to the conflict to an immediate and sustainable ceasefire.

– They stressed that hesitation in characterizing blatant violations of international humanitarian law serves as a green light for the continuation of such practices and complicity in their commission.

– The statement urged action to ensure and facilitate rapid and sustainable access for humanitarian aid to Gaza without obstacles, in accordance with relevant humanitarian principles.

It called for the mobilization of additional resources in collaboration with the UN and its affiliated organizations, especially UNRWA.

– Expressing deep concern over the possibility of the current confrontations expanding and the conflict spreading to other areas in the Middle East, the signatories appealed to all parties to exercise maximum restraint.

They underscored that the expansion of this conflict would have severe consequences on the peoples of the region and international peace and security.

– The statement also expressed profound concern about the escalating violence in the West Bank and called on the international community to support and enhance the Palestinian Authority. Financial assistance to the Palestinian people, including through Palestinian institutions, is deemed to be of utmost importance.

– The signatories affirmed that the absence of a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict led to the recurrence of violence and suffering for both the Palestinian and Israeli peoples and the peoples of the region.

– They stressed the importance of the international community, especially the Security Council, assuming its responsibilities to seek peace in the Middle East. This includes expeditious, genuine, and collective efforts to resolve the conflict and implement a two-state solution based on relevant UN resolutions, ensuring the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state with contiguous territory, viable for life, along the lines of pre-June 4, 1967, borders with its capital in East Jerusalem.