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Following is the communiqué issued by Communist Party of India General Secretary D  Raja at the press conference on December 2, 2024 after the conclusion of the three-day  National Council Meeting held at New Delhi on November 28, 29 and 30, 2024: 

Meeting of the National Council of the Communist Party of India was held on November 28, 29 and  30, 2024 at Ajoy Bhavan, Party Headquarters, New Delhi. 

The meeting was presided by Com. Prekash Babu, Member, National Executive. 

Party General Secretary D. Raja presented the report on political and economic developments and  guidelines for Congress. 

A detailed discussion took place on the above report at the outset all delegates expressed deep  anguish about communal violence unleashed in Sambal (Uttar Pradesh). The increasing communal  violence is the result of BJP misrule all progressive forces must unite to resist the increasing  communal tensions in Uttar Pradesh and rest of the country. 

Party Congress: 

It has been decided to hold the next Party Congress (25th Party Congress) at Chandigarh,  Punjab from September 21 to 25, 2025. Guidelines for electing the delegates and about the number  of members in National Council and State Council alongwith guidelines to conduct state conferences  before August, 2025 were passed. 


1. CPI to observe 10th December as Protest and Demands Day: 

It has been decided to observe the Protest and Demands Day on 10th of December to demand  for JPC to investigate wrong doings of Adani Group of Companies and to expose the  government’s role in promoting crony capitalism. A detailed discussion on Manipur situation in  the Parliament and withdrawal of Armed Forces Special Protection Act (AFSPA) are to be 

demanded. It is to be remembered that 10th December is a World Human Right Day. Similarly, to highlight the serious economic issues like raise in prices, rising unemployment and  inequality alongwith falling rate of GDP. The protest day should be observed to educate the  people about misrule of BJP and deteriorating the economic situation. 

2. Financial Help to Construction Workers in Delhi: 

To control pollution in Delhi all the construction activities in the city are banned adversely  affecting the construction workers as they loose their jobs and wages. Hence, it is demanded  that adequate financial help be given to these workmen.

3. Manipur State Government’s Resignation Demanded: 

The situation in Manipur remains tense and more than 60000 people are staying in refugee  camps. The deteriorating the law and order situation in the state along with violence clearly  indicate the failure of the state government and hence its resignation is demanded. 

4. Implement MNREGA Properly: 

Due to defective implementation of MNREGA scheme lacks of workers find their names  deleted from the eligibility list. Similarly, due to problems in Aadhar Card thousands are denied  wages. It is demanded that these lacunas be removed and a worker be given work for atleast  200 days in a year alongwith Rs. 700 as daily wage. 

5. Communal Violence’s Against Minority Communities in Bangladesh: 

The National Council of the Communist Party of India (CPI) expresses deep concern over the  recent incidents of communal violence targeting Hindu and other minority communities in  Bangladesh. These acts of hatred and aggression are not only violations of secular principles,  equality, and justice but also pose a grave threat to the fabric of communal harmony that  sustains Bangladesh’s diverse society. 

The National Council of the CPI also calls upon all progressive and secular forces in India to  oppose any attempts by the ruling party or its communal outfits to exploit the issue in  Bangladesh as a pretext to stir communal tensions in our country. 

The National Council of the CPI further calls upon its members and sympathizers to remain  vigilant and committed to preventing any communal incidents. 

6. Other resolutions on rehabilitation of project affected people and to help farmers adversely  affected by wild animals in Uttarakhand were adopted. 

Party Centenary Year Celebration: 

A logo for Centenary Year Celebration was released in the national council meeting by D. Raja,  general secretary of the Party. It was also decided to hold a meeting at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh where  the foundation Congress of the Party took place, on December 26, 2024 to start the celebration of  Centenary of the Party. Similarly, on December 26, 2025 a huge rally and public meeting will be held  in Khammam, Telangana State to conclude the celebrations. 

The meeting ended with a strong resolve to make upcoming Party Congress in Chandigarh a success  and to implement Centenary Celebration programmes with enthusiasm and determination to rebuild  and rejuvenate the Party. 

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