Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Panneerselvam has said Jayalalithaa’s long time aide Ms. Sasikala Natarajan, should become the general secretary of AIADMK and lead the party. In a statement to a Tamil TV channel Mr. Panneerselvam said, there is no second opinion on the issue.

Our correspondent reoprts, though the chorus for Ms. Sasikala seems to be harping on her becoming the general Secretary, beeline of workers visiting the burial site and workers in the RK Nagar constituency seem to have a different view altogether. Many gathered in front of the residence of Jayalalithaa and started sloganeering against Ms. Sasikala.

Meanwhile, the niece of the late leader, Deepa Jayakumar who had flown down from the UK has questioned the validity of Sasikala and accused her for being instrumental in not allowing any of her relatives to visit the ailing leader and also to witness her funeral at close quarters. Deepa told that if at all her aunt had wanted Sasikala to succeed, she would have been named as her successor long ago.