Health Minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan today said, Aarogya Setu has become world’s largest contact tracing app reaching over 11 crore 40 lakh people in 40 days. In a series of tweets, the Minister said, the App is a classic example of coordination between government, industry and citizens. He said, the iOS version of the open source app will be released in the next two weeks.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, the use of the app is continuously increasing and people are benefiting from it. He said, two crore people downloaded this App in Uttar Pradesh and 82 people infected with COVID-19 were detected there through this app. He added that 3,000 hotspots have been identified in the country via this app.

Government launched the Aarogya Setu mobile app on 2nd of April to help augment the efforts of limiting the spread of COVID-19. The app is available in 12 languages and on Android, as well as iOS platforms. The key pillars of Aarogya Setu have been transparency, privacy and security. In line with India’s policy on Open Source Software, the source code of Aarogya Setu has now been made open source.

So far, the platform has reached out to more than nine lakh users and helped them for quarantine, caution or testing. Amongst those who were recommended for testing, almost 24 per cent of them have been found COVID-19 positive