The CBI has arrested a Lieutenant Colonel and a middleman in connection with an alleged transfer racket at the Army headquarter in New Delhi in which army officers paid lakhs of rupees to manipulate their postings.
Official sources said, the agency arrested the two while an alleged bribe of two lakh rupees was changing hands for transfer of a Bengaluru based army officer.
The agency busted the racket involving senior Army officers posted at its headquarters in Delhi. Sources say, they were allegedly giving choice postings for “huge illegal gratification” which ran into lakhs for a single transfer.
The case has been registered against Lieutenant Colonel Ranganathan Suvramani Moni, Hyderabad- based army officer Purshottam, Bengaluru-based barracks and stores officer S. Subhas and alleged middleman Gaurav Kohli.
CBI sources say some more senior officers are suspected to be involved in the case. The agency FIR allege that the bribe was being paid through hawala channels.
The bureau is focusing on how the army officers were ready to pay lakhs of rupees to get a posting of their choice.