Karnataka, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is holding series of meetings in Bengaluru to discuss the outbreak of violence due to row over Cauvery water. Arson and stone pelting took place yesterday, after the directive of Supreme Court order asking the state to release 12, 000 cusecs of Cauvery water everyday till 20th September to Tamilnadu. Chief Minister met senior Congress leaders Mallikarjuna Kharge, Veerappa Moily, K H Muniyappa in the morning.
The Cabinet has met now to discuss the situation and future course of action. In a series of tweets, Chief Minister has assured the people that his Government will do everything to safeguard the interest of the state and appealed to people not to indulge in violence. The Government has announced a compensation of 10 lakh rupees to next of kin of person killed in police firing yesterday.
Cauvery row related disturbances yesterday has disrupted normal life in the state capital Bengaluru even today. Traffic remains thin on the city roads, shops remained closed since morning. Shopping malls and Cinema halls have decided not to open today. Apart from 15000 policemen on duty, contingents of ITBP, Rapid Action Force and Central Reserve Police Force are holding flag march in the disturbed areas.
A few incidents of protests and tyre burning incidents took place earlier in the morning today. People from both the states were seen walking for over two kilometers to cross the state border at Athibele to catch bus for their destinations.