National Investigation Agency is questioning Gurdaspur SP Salwinder Singh, his friend Rajesh Verma and the cook in connection with the Pathankot terror attack case. Sources say there are contradictions in SP’s statement and others due to which these statements are being verified again and again. Sources said that the Mr. Singh’s questioning is important to link the first sequence of events on what happened on January 1 when he was allegedly abducted by the terrorists.
Sources added that he is being asked on how he took a route which he usually reportedly never took and what made terrorists let him and his cook go. The agency officials say that he is not a suspect but he is being questioned as first informant of the deadly attack and his statement may provide clues about what exactly happened on January 1.
NIA has registered three cases in the probe and a 20 member team is stationed in Pathankot. NIA DG Sharad Kumar is also visiting Pathankot today to monitor the probe.