Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy has urged the Central government to support the transformation of Hyderabad’s public transport into a 100 per cent electric model. In a series of meetings with Union Ministers in Delhi yesterday, Mr Reddy sought environmental clearances for key development projects in the state. The meetings were held at the respective offices of Union Environment Minister Bhupender Yadav and Union Heavy Industries Minister HD Kumaraswamy. An official release from the Ministry of Environment noted that the Chief Minister highlighted the stalling of 161 projects across Telangana due to delays in environmental and forest clearances. He emphasized that these projects, including 38 requiring wildlife-related permissions, are crucial for developing remote and Left-Wing Extremism-affected areas. The Chief Minister further highlighted issues like the National Highways construction, tower installations in agency areas and connectivity projects linking neighbouring states. Mr Reddy also requested urgent clearances for the Gouravelli (गौरवेल्लि) Project, stressing its importance for irrigation. The Union Minister assured positive consideration of these requests.

In another meeting with Union Heavy Industries Minister HD Kumaraswamy, the Chief Minister sought the Centre’s cooperation to transform Hyderabad’s bus fleet into an all-electric model. Mr Reddy requested the allocation of buses under the PM e-Drive Scheme on a Gross Cost Contract (GCC) model apart from the refitment of diesel buses with electric kits. Several State Ministers also accompanied the Chief Minister.