Haryana Police were forced to fire tear-gas shells on a group of protesting farmers at Shambhu Border when they tried to uproot barricades erected there to march further, despite requests from the police that the farmers had no permission to move forward. Meanwhile, it has been learned that the farmer leaders have called the group back for the time being, but not the protest. They will decide on the next action plan accordingly. Earlier, a group of farmers from Punjab that started marching on foot towards Delhi this afternoon from Shambhu Border was stopped by the Haryana Police there. The police had sealed the Shambhu Border and deployed many of its companies along with the CAPF. In view of the farmers’ protest, the Haryana Government had imposed prohibitory orders under Section 163 of the Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita (formerly Section 144 of the CrPC), banning any procession in Ambala. Meanwhile, the internet in 11 villages of Ambala adjoining the Punjab-Haryana border has also been shut down.