New Delhi

HWPL working on global peace projects in 170 countries celebrated its 10 glorious years in New Delhi on Saturday (28 September) under the theme of “Building World Peace Community Through Unity in India”.

The program was held to commemorate and examine the key achievements of the agreements signed a decade ago. The agreements covered implementing legal instruments to ensure peace, building religious harmony and peace activities by state actors and citizens.

HWPL, Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) is an international NGO affiliated with UN-ECOSOC. Through 10 years of international cooperation for peace, HWPL has 500,000 members in 170 countries and is carrying out peace projects through MOAs or MOUs with 1,014 organizations in 105 countries. Until last year, the event was held in South Korea. This year marks a historic change because regional events hosted in key cities worldwide, including New Delhi, India. Leaders across the states of India were present in the event for the peace summit anniversary. This peace summit engages social representatives in peace projects in different countries. In South Korea, the “Together: Connecting Korea” officially launched a national campaign for social harmony. Goswami Sushil Ji Maharaj who is the national convenor of Bhartiya Sarva Dharma Sansad on this occasion while lauding instrumental role of the chairman of HWPL for promoting peace worldwide said India is a leading examples of interfaith dialogue. We are organising Interfaith Parliament of all Religions in January and inviting all’ those from the world for the promotion of peace.,Ms Margaret Rebello, an interfaith Leader from Bangalore, India expressed her heartfelt gratitude on the 10th anniversary of HWPL. She shared “This is what brings us here to not only celebrate the 10th anniversary but to celebrate our oneness as a human family. On behalf of the interfaith family, I congratulate its founder and chairman Lee Man Hee a Korean war veteran for embarking on a spiritual journey and being entrusted by divine calling to give the clarion call to people of all religions, all races and creeds, all people of goodwill to promote peace and harmony in this world and thus help him to leave a legacy of peace and harmony for future generations to come.” Mr Pravin H Parekh, the Head of the Confederation of Indian Bar, Emphasized on the promotion of peace culture on the Global stage and how the partnership with HWPL aligns with India’s development. He said, “Working with HWPL has been personally meaningful to me. Through our collaboration, I have gained a new perspective on peace and have played a key role in establishing legal foundations for our shared goals”. Harsh Vardhan Umre, while sharing his perspective on the Role of youth for achieving Peace said, “We must look to the youth, who are the torch bearers of the peace today. Young people are the architects of the peaceful future, and it is our responsibility to empower and equip them to build a world free from the shadows of war.”

HWPL peace education has in fact unveiled an unprecedented milestone in 2024. In collaboration with the MERI Group of Institutions, New Delhi, an HWPL-MERI joint curriculum, “Economics of Peace” will be launched on the MERI website, as MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). It is a university level curriculum and credit based, to educate the students about the necessity of the economics behind war and peace.The event was followed by the MOU signing ceremony with 5 organizations: All Media Press Association (AMPA) Jammu and Kashmir, Global Indian International School Noida UP, Nalanda Stupa Buddhism and Research Trust, Ashwaghosh Buddhist Foundation and Civil Right Protection cell, Nagpur Maharashtra. The collaboration marks the layout of implementation of legal instruments to ensure peace building.

Chairman Lee Man-Hee of HWPL emphasized that the division of religion caused tremendous loss of life, emphasizing that religions must take the lead in dialogue and understanding. “We must work together to create a world of peace and leave it as a legacy for future generations. This is to fulfill our mission as a light that brings life to the global village. Only through love and peace can the world become one,” he said.Diksha Ranjan, General Director of HWPL in India in her welcome address said, ‘HWPL aims to achieve world peace and is not an abstract concept, rather it is a fundamental right we all deserve to enjoy and a legacy we must pass on to future generations. It is the responsibility and a shared goal we must achieve together. HWPL and its messengers of peace will continue to be the steadfast roots of this movement, pressing forward without cease. Until the day peace becomes our everyday reality, we ask for your continued interest and active participation.’