The Delhi government will set up more than 1,000 Ghats across Delhi for ‘Chhath Puja’ this year. Officials have been directed to begin the preparation for the ‘Chhath Puja’ festival in advance to ward off any inconvenience to the devotees and mismanagement at the last moment. District magistrates have been asked to identify locations for Chhath Ghats in their respective districts as per the convenience of devotees, and initiate the construction of ghats there. Officials have also been directed to start conducting meetings with local Chhath Puja committees, gather their suggestions, and make preparations accordingly for the successful organization of the event.
These Ghats will provide essential facilities such as clean water, tents, electricity, restrooms, security, medical services, power backup, and CCTV cameras to the devotees. Cultural programs organized by the Maithili-Bhojpuri Academy will be held at
several Ghats.