Samajwadi Party’s National President and former Chief Minister, Akhilesh Yadav has constituted a 182-member Uttar Pradesh state executive of the party under the presidentship of Naresh Uttam Patel.
In this committee, Rajkumar Mishra has been nominated as a Treasurer and Irfanul Haque, CL Verma, Shyamlal Pal and Rajendra S Bind as Vice President and Jaishankar Pandey, Ataur Rahman and Anisur Rahman Ansari as General Secretaries.
In the state executive of the Samajwadi Party, there are 61 Secretaries including Abdullah Azam, son of Mohammad Azam Khan along with 48 Executive Members and 62 Special Invitees, informed SP chief spokesperson Rajendra Chowdhary here on Sunday.