In a significant step towards enhancing domestic production of pulses, the Government has removed the procurement ceilings of 40 percent for tur, urad, and Masur under Price Support Scheme PSS operations for 2023-24. The decision, in effect, assures the procurement of these pulses from farmers at MSP without ceilings. The assured procurement of these pulses by the Government at remunerative prices will help motivate the farmers to enhance sowing area in respect of tur, urad, and Masur in the upcoming Kharif and Rabi sowing seasons in order to enhance production.

The government on Friday imposed stock limits on tur and urad by invoking the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 in order to prevent hoarding and unscrupulous speculation and also to improve affordability to the consumers. The stock limits have been made applicable to wholesalers, retailers, big chain retailers, millers, and importers. It has also been made mandatory for these entities to declare their stock position on the portal of Department of Consumer Affairs.

In a follow-up action to the stock limits imposed on tur and urad, the Department of Consumer Affairs has directed the state governments to ensure strict enforcement of the limits in their states. As part of enforcement, the states have also been asked to monitor prices and stocks position by verifying with various warehouse operators. Parallelly, the Department has also asked Central Warehousing Corporation and State Warehousing Corporations to provide the details pertaining to tur and urad held in their warehouses.