The BJP has announced the first list of its 189 candidates for the ensuing Assembly elections in Karnataka. Of them, there are 52 new candidates to whom the BJP has given tickets. The list also includes the names of 32 candidates from Other Backward Castes, 30 from Scheduled Castes and 16 from Scheduled Tribes category.
Addressing media at the party headquarters in New Delhi yesterday, Union Minister and senior BJP leader Dharmendra Pradhan said the names of 189 candidates are announced as per the recommendation of the BJP Central Election Committee.
Announcing the list, BJP General Secretary Arun Singh said that Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai will contest from Shiggaon Assembly seat while Minister in the State Shashikala Annasaheb Jolie will be the party candidate from Nippani Seat. He said, V Somanna will contest from Varuna and Chamarajanagar Assembly seats.