
Mexico City / New Delhi

September, 2,  2022: Lok Sabha Speaker Mr. Om Birla who is leading an Indian Parliamentary Delegation to Mexico, unveiled a bust of freedom fighter Dr.Pandurang Khankhoje in Chapingo University in Mexico, today.

Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Birla recalled that Dr.Pandurang Khankhoje was an outstanding Indian revolutionary, scholar, agricultural scientist and statesman who was among the founding fathers of Ghadar Party. While contributing to the prosperity of Mexican Agriculture, he brought about socio-economic change in the lives of millions of people. Mr. Birla hailed Dr. Khankhoje as a true inspiration for the posterity who will continue to define Mexico’s journey towards development.

Mr. Birla further added that at a time when martyrs like Dr. Khankhoje  are being remembered and efforts are being made in India to bring their life journey as an inspiration for others, we have made his memory lasting forever for the people of India and Mexico by paying our heartfelt tributes to him.


Mr. Birla also visited Chapingo University in Mexico, the oldest agricultural university in Latin America. H.E. Dr. Victor Villalobos, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture and Rural Dev. & Dr. Jose Ramirez, Rector of the university briefed Shjri Birla about functioning of the agricultural university. The dignitaries discussed about expanding trade in agricultural and food processing sectors and levering innovations in these sectors in our two countries.

Later, Mr. Birla called on President of the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico H.E. Mr. Santiago Creel. In a warm and cordial atmosphere, the dignitaries discussed several matters of mutual importance. Mr. Birla observed that India and Mexico has historically close relations and Mexico was the first country to recognize India as an independent country in 1947.  Recalling that the discovery of Mexico to the modern world was the result of an expedition that was initiated to explore India, Mr. Birla noted that the relations between the two countries, in terms of trade, economy and culture, have grown from strength to strength ever since. Both the countries are also sharing best practices for strengthening parliamentary democracy in the world, Mr. Birla noted.

Mentioning about successful governance in India   through democratic means, Mr. Birla said that Indian Parliament is the epitome of will and aspirations of the people of India. Observing that Parliament of India is consistently working to bring rapid socio-economic transformation in the lives of people, he informed that matters of public importance are raised in Parliament by Members of both ruling and opposition parties. Notwithstanding differences of opinion, there is consensus on issues of public welfare, praised Mr. Birla. He further added that parliamentary committees are functioning as effective mechanisms to ensure accountability of the Executive.

Observing that there are striking similarities between civilizational and cultural journeys of India and Mexico, Mr. Birla lauded bonhomie in their  multi-ethnic and multi-religious societies.  He also mentioned that both Parliaments have entered into as many as 10 agreements which put an onerous responsibility upon us to further strengthen bilateral engagement.  Emphasizing on India’s commitment to become a developed nation by 2047, Mr. Birla said that an action plan is ready in this regard.

Mr. Birla also visited the Parliament of Mexico where he was briefed about functioning of the Mexican Parliament. Mr. Birla observed several similarities between the democratic traditions of India and Mexico. “It reaffirmed my belief that Parliament is a place for debates and discussions and for policy making which facilitates the welfare of the people. The last person in the queue should benefit from our laws and policies”, said Mr. Birla.

Mr. Birla paid floral tributes at the Statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. On this occasion, Mr. Birla said that Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings across geographical borders and time continue to guide us in the 21st century towards a world built on the principles of equality, justice, peace and harmony.

Earlier, Mr. Birla inaugurated India-Mexico friendship garden in Mexican Parliament Complex. Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Birla observed that this Organic Friendship Garden is a living symbol of the strong bond of friendship between India and Mexico. Mr. Birla hoped that the India-Mexico Friendship Park, which symbolizes the vibrancy of relations between the two countries, would spread the energy and fragrance of democracy to the whole world. This Friendship Garden will continue to be a symbol of the close bonding between the citizens of both the countries. Mr. Birla also expressed confidence that the relations between India and Mexico will continue to flourish like the flowers of this garden.