The BJP on Friday hit out at the AAP government following raids by CBI at the residence of Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and other places in Delhi in Excise Policy scam. Talking to reporters, Senior party leader Dr. Harsh Vardhan accused Arvind Kejriwal government of indulging in corrupt practices under the garb of excise policy. He said that the corrupt and dishonest Arvind Kejriwal government and Minister has no right to continue in government after the CBI carried out searches in Excise Policy scam. Dr. Harsh Vardhan demanded that the corrupt Ministers of Delhi should step down.

Delhi BJP Unit Chief Adesh Gupta alleged that Mr. Manisha colluded with liquor mafia leading to loss of huge revenue to exchequer.

Meanwhile, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said this is not the first raid as in the last seven years several raids were conducted on Manish Sisodia. He said, today Mr. Sisodia was declared the best Education Minister but a CBI team reached his residence to conduct a raid. He added that the CBI is doing its work, there is no need to be scared.