A delegation of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) which visited Jahangirpuri area of northeast New Delhi where communal violence took place a few days ago has observed that Violence was a result of police inaction.

The delegation led by JIH Vice President, Prof. Salim Engineer, met the affected families at their residence and interacted with local people to know the complete information and all facts about the situation.

JIH National Affairs Secretary Mohammed Ahmed, JIH Delhi state President Abdul Wahid, and other JIH office-bearers were part of the delegation. The delegation also met the senior police officials there and apprised them of all the facts.

After returning from the visit, the delegation, in a media statement, today said that whatever happened in Jahangirpuri and the manner, in which the violence occurred, clearly suggested that it was not a sudden outbreak, but deliberately planned. The delegation said, “processions were taken out twice before the violence on that day to spoil the atmosphere. When the third one was taken out during the exact time of Iftar and prayers, some people suddenly came out with drumming and playing loud music. Same people, who were part of the procession, started aggression with shouting provocative slogans. Some of them armed with weapons, openly brandished during the procession, according to locals. The delegation also came to know that permission for the procession had not been taken and adequate police force had not been deployed to control any untoward incident.”

Commenting on the role of the police, the delegation pointed out that the violence could have been avoided had the police done their job properly. The delegation has demanded the police to avoid unilateral action and arrest the culprits as soon as possible and take stern action against whoever is guilty without any discrimination.

The delegation informed that Jamaat-e-Islami Hind is in touch with the victims, focusing on the basic needs of the people of the affected areas and working to meet their legal and other immediate needs.

Talking to media persons during the visit, Prof. Saleem called the violence very painful, tragic and an outcome of a planned conspiracy.