Both the Houses of Parliament have been adjourned sine die, a day ahead of the scheduled time. The second part of the Budget session was scheduled to end tomorrow. In the Lok Sabha, Speaker Om Birla informed the House that the session had a total of 27 sittings for a total of 177 hours and 50 minutes. Making concluding remarks, the Speaker highlighted the House recorded 129 percent productivity during this session.
In the Rajya Sabha, as soon as the House met for the day, Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu said, the House will be adjourned sine die and he was about to make concluding remarks. In between, Shiv Sena members tried to raise the issue of alleged INS Vikrant fund bungling and came into the well. Members from Congress, Left, TMC, and others also came in support and raised slogans demanding a probe into the matter. The Chairman repeatedly asked the protesting members to go back to their seats but they did not pay heed. Mr. Naidu described the agitating members’ act as against the norms, dignity, and decorum of the House. Later, he adjourned the House sine die without making concluding remarks.