Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on Tuesday hailed the 11.86 per cent jump in the budget for the education sector as against last year and the “record allocation” of Rs 1.04 trillion, the PTI reported.

Pradhan said the Union Budget for 2022-23 is inclusive, forward-looking and aspirational, and lays the foundation of ‘Amrit Kaal’ for the next 25 years.

“The Budget has made several direct interventions like announcing the setting up of a digital university, allowing foreign universities to run courses in GIFT City, launch of DESH-Stack e-portal and aligning Skill Qualification Framework with industry requirements. These interventions will improve and strengthen the education and skilling ecosystems in the country,” he said.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday unveiled Budget 2022-23 that aims to boost growth amid continued disruption from Covid-19 and rising inflation.

The government has projected GDP growth at 8 per cent to 8.5% compared with an estimated 9.2 per cent for the current fiscal year and a 6.6 per cent contraction the previous year. India will allocate an additional Rs 19,500 crore to boost investment in solar equipment manufacturing, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Tuesday.

“Production Linked Incentive for manufacture of high efficiency modules, with priority to fully integrated manufacturing units from polysilicon to solar PV modules, will be made,” Sitharaman said.

The Reserve Bank of India will introduce a digital currency in the next financial year using blockchain and other supporting technology. The government has also decided to levy 30% tax, the highest tax band in the country, on income arising out of digital assets.