Western nations have been reluctant to officially recognize the rule of the Taliban in Afghanistan — but deem talking with the Islamist group necessary. The makeup of a new government could determine the tone of ties.



The Taliban said Thursday they were close to forming a new government, two weeks after they seized power in Afghanistan.

Local media reports suggested the announcement of a cabinet was imminent, and a member of the fundamentalist group said it was preparing a ceremony at the presidential palace, according to Reuters news agency.

Taliban leader Haivatullah Akhundzada will lead the new government says reports adding that a Prime Minister or President will likely work under the Taliban Leader.

Taliban official Ahmadullah Muttaqui said on social media that a ceremony was being prepared at the Presidential Palace in Kabul. A day after US forces left the Kabul airport, a team of Qatari Technical Experts landed in the capital to discuss the resumption of airport operation. An AFP report said that the discussion is on-going and was initiated by Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, in Panjshir, a senior Taliban Leader said that the groups fighters have surrounded the only remaining province resisting its rule. The leader called on rebels, which include former Afghan Military Commander to negotiate a settlement with the group.

In the meantime, fighting between Taliban and resistance front in Panjshir province has intensified . The Taliban confirmed to Afghan news agency TOLO news that the Taliban fighters and resistance forces led by Ahmad Massoud have been fighting for two days, and that both sides have suffered casualties.

Anaamullah Samangani, a member of the Taliban’s cultural commission, claimed that following heavy firing resorted by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate ,other side has suffered huge casualties, However, a spokesman of the resistance front told the agency that 40 Taliban personnel were killed and 35 injured.