Myanmar has brought more areas under the stay at home restrictions as COVID 19 cases reached close to 10,000 on Saturday. In an announcement on Friday, the Ministry of Health and Sports ordered that eleven new areas under Mon state, Mandalay region, Bago region, and Ayeyawady regions will have to observe stay at home restrictions to effectively control the spread of Coronavirus in the country.

The people from these regions are ordered to stay at home with government employees to work in rotation from home and office in a two week cycle. Excluding essential services and people working at ports, communications, banking and financial institutions, other offices and companies, work places have been ordered to be closed temporarily.

In her report to people about the latest COVID 19 situation on Saturday, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi called upon people to observe health guidelines like wearing masks, regular hand washing and social distancing norms. She also cautioned people not to try household remedies to cure coronavirus infection based on social media recommendations.

In the meanwhile, to deal with the growing cases of Corona infection straining the civilian health facilities, the Myanmar military Tatmadaw is preparing hospital facilities for approximately 1500 persons. It has assembled 40 medical teams with 15 members each to provide treatment to civilians.