AMN/ Thiruvananthapuram

As the third phase of lockdown begins today with more relaxations, life in Kerala enters a more normal phase.Places across Kerala, except in the non hotspot regions, is becoming vibrant, with more standalone shops being opened, offices and institutions functional with limited staff, private vehicles with max two passengers venturing out maintaining strict Covid guidelines.

Inter District travel is also permitted in Green and orange zone with conditions. Banks are functioning in normal hours in all zones.Wheras public transport, public gathering, cinema theatres, religious places, malls, liquor shops, bars and educational institutions are not functional across the state.

Meanwhile four train services from Kerala , carrying migrant labourers to Bihar, scheduled to leave today, have been cancelled. It is being reported that delay in permission from Bihar government had led to the cancellation.

Authorities informed that the train services will be resumed soon.The stranded people from other States had also started to reach Kerala, who had registered with Norka and been issued with electronic passes, from the respective States. Meanwhile 95 active Covid 19 cases are there in Kerala presently.