India cancels Nithyananda’s passport

Staff Reporter / New Delhi

Ecuador has rejected the media reports that fugitive self-proclaimed Guru, Nithyananda, a rape accused in India, has been given asylum in the South American nation.

Ecuador Embassy in India has also cautioned media outfits from citing “Ecuador in any form in all pieces of information related to Mr Nithyananda.”

A strong-worded statement, states “All the information, whatever, which is published in digital and print media in India, is based on the information which allegedly has been sourced from ‘’, a website which is supposedly maintained by Mr Nithyananda or by his people.”

Adding, “Henceforth, all digital or print media houses should refrain from citing Ecuador in any form in all pieces of information related to Mr Nithyananda.”

According to the statement the fugitive self-styled Guru had sought asylum in the South American nation which was denied by the government and “he left Ecuador presumably on his way to Haiti.”

To a question, if the self-styled guru has bought an island in the region or somewhere in the Caribbean, a top diplomat who wished to remain anonymous explained, “Usually rich and famous buy islands and have their own security, etc. These islands are on a 99-year lease and are under the sovereignty of the country which has sold it. It is not easy to declare it as a separate country unless it is not recognised by the United Nations as well as other countries.”

South American nation’s reaction is based on the reports appearing in a section of the media that Nithyananda, who fled India, has bought an island near Ecuador on the South American continent and applied to the UN to name it Kailasa.

After Ecuador, the French authorities are investigating for an alleged fraud worth $ 400,000, based on a complaint lodged by a French devotee of being cheated by the self-styled guru.

The Gujarat police have started a process to seek blue corner notice and has approached the Interpol for this purpose has earlier this week approached the state CID to locate the missing guru.